t the Teshie Police station, where the collation from various polling stations was being done Tuesday dawn, the two leading contenders in the Ledzokuku constituency, Dr Bernard Okoe Boye from the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and Mr Benjamin Ayiku Nartey from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) tried to stay awake and observe the process.
Even though the spirit was willing, the body was weak.
The lenses of Graphic Online captured both candidates dozing off whilst sitting by the collation table.
Already, the NDC has announced that they have “flipped” the Ledzorkuku seat even though the collation was not complete as of 12:40am when the party held a press conference at its national headquarters in Accra.
After the various polling station results were counted, supporters of both the NPP and NDC in the Ledzorkuku constituency took over the streets of Teshie in jubilation, as both sides claimed to be winning the swing seat.
The NDC’s Benjamin Ayiku, a businessman, is challenging the incumbent MP, Dr Bernard Okoe Boye of the NPP, who is also a Deputy Minister of Health.