Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta opened on Monday a public viewing of former leader Mwai Kibaki’s body as it lies in state within the Parliament Buildings in the capital, Nairobi.
Mwai Kibaki left a long-lasting legacy ranging from a new constitution, a revived economy, democracy and free primary education amongst other things.
The Governor of Kitui County, Charity Ngilu, evokes Kibaki’s many achievements.
“We saw him spearhead the economy of this country from the doldrums during the KANU (Kenya African National Union former ruling party) days where the economy had gone down. He put in structures, infrastructure, and most importantly he gave us a new constitution that we are enjoying and celebrating today”, said Governor Ngilu.
His re-election for a second term in 2007 was opposed by his opponent, Raila Odinga. The dispute was followed by weeks of ethnic violence.
“He believed in the law so long as it was just and could bring, take people forward. The anti-progress kind of agenda that he may have taken on board during the one-party era, I think it was partly politics of survival. But as soon as he became president, you could see the path, and that path was a path for progress, and bringing about transformation in Kenya”, added James Orengo, Siaya County Senator.
President Kenyatta declared a period of mourning in the country.
Former president Mwai Kibaki will be given a state funeral with full military honours.