A number of consumer goods imported or sold in Togo have been exempted from VAT (VAT). Last Tuesday, Sani Yaya, the Togolese Economy and Finance Minister, released a statement in this framework, informing relevant ministries, including the Togolese Revenue Office (OTR), of the move.
Wheat flour (in 50 Kg bags) imported exclusively by SGMT (Société des Grands Moulins du Togo) and SMMT (Société des Moulins Modernes du Togo), palm oil, sweetened condensed milk in 160g cans, unsweetened milk in 1kg cans, crude palm oil, and concentrated tomatoes are among the products covered by the exemption (in 70g cans).
The Togolese government’s decision is made in the background of high living costs and growing product prices both globally and locally.