The show’s Tanzanian promoter Nigerian musician Kizz Daniel, who was unable to perform, has provided his own account of what happened.
The Tanzanian police detained KizzDaniel earlier today after he was paid to perform in an event on Sunday, August 7, but did not.
The show’s promoter, who identified himself as Stephen Uwa in an interview with DaddyFreeze, claimed that Kizz Daniel declined to perform since the airline forgot to bring his bag holding his gold chains and stated he will not play unless he is wearing all of his gold chains.
”He said the airline didn’t bring his bag that is why he cannot perform because his gold chain is not there and he had a gold chain on his neck. He wanted everything.”
Uwa claimed to have spent no less than $300,000 on the performance, including $60,000 for Kizz Daniel’s fee. Despite this, the singer’s presentation was a complete bust. He claimed to be sobbing and pleading with Kizz Daniel to perform but the latter refused.
”My company is new here. PaulO is the one I booked Kizz from. PaulO cried all night trying to beg this guy ‘Please go to this show’, he called in from America!
I paid this guy $60, 000 to perform on this show . I went down on my knees. I was like ‘Bro, you are damaging me. I am trying to build my company here. You are going to damage me’. I begged this guy ‘Save my career, save me”. I was on the table with Kizz Daniel for like five hours begging him, kneeling for him”
According to Stephen, the irate fans trashed some of the merchandise brought in by the show’s sponsors, causing damage to the entire arena.