In Luanshya District in the Copperbelt, a two-month-old infant has passed away after allegedly being stabbed in the abdomen with a sharp object by its father.
Copperbelt Police Commanding Officer Sharon Zulu confirmed the development in a statement and stated that the culprit, identified as Lenard Bwalya, age 21, is currently on the run.
According to Ms. Zulu, the incident took place on October 3, 2022, at 10:30 a.m., when the baby’s father went to Bridget Mwamba, the deceased’s mother, to get his clothing washed.
They entered the house after she finished her tasks a little while later, and when she lifted the infant to feed her, the suspect told her that he had seen a wound on the child.
The baby, according to Ms. Zulu, was taken by ambulance to Roan General Hospital, where he or she passed away on October 4, 2022, at about 11:46 a.m.
She claims that the suspect vanished and has been missing ever after the infant was being taken to the hospital by its mother and a neighbor.