Tragedy struck in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa when two young twins died after falling from a three-story-high balcony. The incident occurred on the afternoon of February 10th, 2023, and left one other person critically injured.
According to local authorities, the twins, who were both under the age of 10, fell from the balcony while playing with other children. Despite the efforts of paramedics and hospital staff, the twins were pronounced dead at the scene.
The one other person who was injured in the fall was rushed to the hospital and is reported to be in critical condition. The cause of the fall is still under investigation, and police are working to determine if there were any safety violations or other factors that may have contributed to the tragedy.
The community is in shock following the news of the twins’ death, and many residents are expressing their condolences and offering support to the family. Local authorities are also working to provide support and resources to the family during this difficult time.
This is a devastating loss for the community and the families involved, and our thoughts and prayers go out to everyone affected by this tragedy. It serves as a reminder of the importance of safety in our homes and communities, and the need for proper precautions and regulations to protect children and families.