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Comedian AY buys his wife Mabel a brand new Lexus Luxury SUV as wedding anniversary gift

Yesterday, comedianย AYย and his wife,ย Mabelย celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary, a union that has

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”It is idiotic to say Buhari is cloned” Minister of Information Lai Mohammed says

Minister of Information and Culture, Lai Mohammed, has said it is โ€œidioticโ€ย 

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18-year old traditional priest denied admission to Dzodze-penyi SHS

Galley Felix, an 18-year old traditional priest has been denied admission into

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My mother opposed my marriage to Rawlings โ€“ Nana Konadu reveals

Former First Lady, Nana Konadu Agyeman-Rawlings has revealed that her mother did

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Iโ€™ll EXPOSE you-Afia Pokua to Captain Smart

Editor of Adom Fm, a subsidiary of the Multimedia Group, Afia Pokua

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U.S Embassy Seizes King Promiseโ€™s Passport Leading To Cancellation Of Planned Tour

King Promise is currently on lockdown in Ghana and cannot travel anywhere

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Buju Banton’s ex-wife to marry Ghanaian soccer superstar Asamoah Gyan?

A reportย  states that former Sunderland striker Asamoah Gyan will wed Nina

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Donโ€™t marry the man you love but the one available-Juliet Ibrahim to ladies

Actress Juliet Ibrahim has sparked social storm with an advice to women

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