
Entertainment news from all African countries

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I have aborted Ernest Opoku’s pregnancy – Nayas

Glady Mensah Boako, known widely as Nayas, has disclosed that the baby

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Work at your dreams and stop wishing you had the life of others โ€“ Juliet Ibrahim

For many, they sit in their rooms wishing they had the life

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Most ladies in Ghana want to be like me – Moesha.

Ghanaian actress and socialite, Moesha Boduong, has said most of her female

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Makeup will get you a husband but bad cooking skills will drive him away โ€“ Anita Afriyie

Gospel singer Anita Afriyie has descended heavily on ladies she describes as

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John Dumelo Kick Starts โ€œAfricaโ€™s Agro-Millionairesโ€ Challenge

Actor John Dumelo has charged the youth to turn to farming as

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Chaka Chaka, Bola Ray, Obour, Others To Address AMB Summit

The fifth edition of the All Africa Music Awards, AFRIMA, to be

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Davido suggests that Eko Atlantic was not approved as the venue for his December concert because he supports PDP

Nigerian popstar,ย Davido has informed fans that the venue he planned on using,

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‘Stop being deceived by the upper class, hardwork does not pay, It kills’ – Reno Omokri

Reno Omokri has stated that 'hard work does not pay, rather it

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‘Send us money to take care of the women you abandoned for us’ – Nigerians mock gay couple on Twitter(Screenshots)

An African-American gay man,ย Cill Blintonย and his partner andย Mookie Jย are hilariously being mocked

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No more politics; Iโ€™ve learnt my lessons โ€“ Maame Dokono

Veteran actress Grace Omaboe, popularly known as Maame Dokono, has revealed that

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