The South African Police Service (SAPS) embarked on a specialised project to tackle aggravated robberies following a spate of such attacks earlier this year.
PRETORIA – Police Minister Bheki Cele says there has been a 36% drop in the number of cash-in-transit robberies compared to the same period last year as a result of their stabilisation programme.
The minister was speaking at a briefing in Pretoria where he announced the arrest of 230 armed robbery suspects in the last five months.
The South African Police Service (SAPS) embarked on a specialised project to tackle aggravated robberies following a spate of such attacks earlier this year.
Cele says they are seeing results.
“As from the 1st of April 2018 to the 4th of November 2018, 118 cash-in-transit robberies have been recorded across the nine provinces compared to the same period last year when 184 cases were recorded which registered 56% down.”
He says their operations have removed robbers and firearms from the streets.
“The number of arrests is 237, the number of vehicles recovered is 92, the number of firearms recovered is 78, with 1,402 rounds of ammunition recovered while a substantial amount of money has also been recovered.”