Ghanaian software developer, William Ntim and Blank Oppong just launched an app that pushes users to achieve their goals
Procrastination has its ways, and many a junkyards are full of promises. But no longer, as the world’s first goal setting app, Pledgr, is here. Pledgr, the achiever’s network, combines the excitement of social media sharing with smart goal achieving methods to ensure that we stay true to our commitments and vision.There is simply no excuse for not installing this app. Pledgr wants everyone to keep to their word, achieve our goals, and share the pride with our friends and social network. The fun, community-based iOS app aims to make it easier for everyone to succeed, be it in personal or professional life. A vision board with in-built accountability, Pledgr’s job is to make the users get things done.“Currently, there is no app like Pledgr in the market. This makes us excited to present this pioneering app, and help a new generation of achievers accomplish their goals,” says William Ntim, Founder, and Blank Oppong, Co-Founder, Pledgr.
Pledgr allows users to set their goals with deadlines, reminders and photos. They can dare a friend in their network, or create an accountability group to track each other’s goals and accomplishments. Users get to use social media features such as comments, claps and interactions.
Using Pledgr is simple. When a goal is set, Pledgr locks it permanently and displays reminders. Once set, the goal can’t be removed, thus forcing the user to stick to their promises and commitments. On the final deadline of the goal, the app publishes it as ‘achieved’ or ‘unachieved’ based on results.
The anti-thesis of excuses, Pledgr is designed to make work and achievement more exciting with proven strategies, in-built tools, and integration with third party calendars and social media. The team behind Pledgr is on a mission to create an eco-system of achievers, while having fun.