Actress and fashion designer, Christabel Ekeh has open up onreasons surrounding her inability to graduate from University of Ghana, can report. The 28-year-old years ago, gained admission into Ghana’s premier university to study theatre arts but said quit studies in her third year and traveled to Nigeria with the hope she was going to return and complete the course which never happened till date.
She disclosed her acting career started from there and the passion to return to Ghana and finish with her academic work was missing reason till date she is unable to graduate.
“I went to Nigeria and stayed there for a very long time. When I got back the interest to go back to school and complete the course was missing but I am sure I will do that someday”, she revealed. Ekeh was born in Accra, Ghana to a Nigerian father and Ghanaian mother. She had her secondary education at the St Mary’s Senior High School and has been featured in more than eighty Ghanaian and Nigerian movies including College Girls and Sidechic Gang.