Some few days ago, Instagram Queen and actress, Moesha Boduong took pictures behind an uncompleted structure which is said to be a mansion she was constructing at East Legon for herself.
The image went viral attracting praises for the Moesha but it is emerging that the house in question does not belong to her after all.
A Facebook user who is close to the owner, reveals that it was bought by a Ghanaian who went for inspection at the project site and took Moesha along but at his blind side, the Slay Queen took shots of the images and posted them on social media as though she is the owner of the house.
This were his exact words to series of publications in the media about the said house; Pls that house is not for moesha so let us hear.That uncompleted building was for one Nigerian man who recently sold it out to one Ghanaian man. Moesha just escorted the man to the house today and the man is not even aware moesha took that pic. Fake ass girl” Zoure/2018