Ghanaian actor, Mikki Osei Berko, popularly known as Dada Boat has said the Multimedia Group Limited, owners of Adom FM, treated him badly during his days as an employee of the media organisation.
In an interview with Fiifi Prat on Accra-based Kingdom 101.9 FM, the veteran said he was shown the exit after he challenged a claim by then Programme Manager at a management meeting.
According to Mikki who once worked with Radio Gold, prior to his appointment as host of Adom FM’s drive time show, he was based in the United Kingdom.
“Adom FM was a motivating factor for me in my decision to return to Ghana. Multimedia had an interview with me via Skype when I was in the UK. I was to be employed as host of Adom FM’s drivetime show. Four months after hosting the show, they sacked me,” he said.
The dismissal, he insisted was not as a result of below-par performance.
“I had a situation with the Programmes Manager at the time,” he recalled. “During the interview, they asked what new thing I’d be bringing on board. I told them that all my radio life, I’ve never had a production team; and with my experience in radio, a production team is very key to the success of every programme. So if I get a production team, obviously, my delivery will be better than it used to be.
“When I returned to start work, I didn’t see a single soul as a team member. There was no production team. I got myself two guys to help me with production and transportation was even a problem.”
Despite the disappointment, Mikki said he was poised to deliver hence, gathered his arsenals for the execution of the task, knowing that it all depended on him.
“I started something like ‘Kokonsa’ [a segment on his Radio Gold show] dubbed ‘Yaw Guy’ and I was with my normal voice. Can you believe that the Programmes Manager at the time told me to change the voice and sound like the ‘Konkonsa’ character? I asked him ‘How?’. Can you believe he sent me a query letter?” he said.
“I was called to a management meeting and there was an altercation. He lied about me so I told him point-blank he was lying. They told me to retract my statement which I did. They then told me to go off air for a week… The contract was eventually terminated. They didn’t care… It was a very hectic moment for me. It was very sad,” he mentioned.
Watch the video for more details.