In Togo, 70% of the people in positions of leadership are women. The West African country is, according to a survey by the International Labor Organization (ILO), ahead of countries like Russia (46%), Sweden (42%), the US (41%), France (36%), and Germany.
“To get to that position in the global ranking, Togo has, for many years, been promoting women leadership, by appointing them at top political positions,” the report reads.
For example, since September 2020, the Prime Minister is a woman: Victoire Tomegah-Dogbe. The National Assembly is also chaired by a woman, Yawa Djigbodi Tsegan, since July 2018.
There is also Sandra Ablamba Johnson who is Secretary General of the Presidency, or Awa Nana-Daboya, Mediator of the Republic, and many more.
Togo’s women’s empowerment policy recently led it to secure financing from the Elsie Initiative set up to increase the meaningful participation of uniformed women in UN peace operations.