Togo is among the five sub-Saharan African countries where commercial 5G networks are already operational. This is according to GSMA, an international organization that represents the interests of over 750 mobile operators.
The four other countries are Kenya, Madagascar, Seychelles, and South Africa. Meanwhile, Nigeria, Mali, Ethiopia, and Mauritius are moving towards deploying their first 5G networks.
Togo became the first country in West Africa, and the third in Africa, to deploy the technology in November 2020. At the time, Togocom, a subsidiary of Axian Group which also runs Telma in Madagascar, had revealed that it had deployed its commercial 5G network in the country.
In March 2021, the same operator said it deployed the network at Lomé’s airport, in the city’s administrative area, and at the Adétikopé Industrial Platform (PIA).
According to GSMA, 5G is already being widely used in key markets like China, South Korea, and the U.S. By the end of 2021, 176 operators in 70 countries had already deployed commercial 5G networks.