On June 2nd, the first African Women Entrepreneurship Academy was opened in Togo. The program’s goal is to teach and empower 25 Togolese women entrepreneurs, with a focus on social entrepreneurship.
It will be implemented through the Center for Resources on Social Entrepreneurship, which is backed by the US State Department (CeRES).
“We are living in a world of unparalleled quality and competitiveness. And we can’t keep doing things the same way in the hopes of getting different results and, above all, better comparative advantages,” said Ngmebib Bileba, Secretary-General of the Ministry of Social Action, Women’s Promotion, and Literacy, at the program’s debut.
“Pre-startup phase: from idea to reality,” “Feasibility study,” “Business plan,” “Becoming an entrepreneur,” “How to make things happen,” and “Access to capital” are among the courses covered in the two-month program. After this set of modules, there will be a mentorship phase.
“The benefits of officially integrating women into society’s economic fabric are both tangible and verifiable. We all know how important women entrepreneurs, both in the informal and official sectors, are to Togo’s economic growth and development “U.S. Ambassador to Togo Elizabeth Fitzsimmons stated.