Days after reuniting with his third babymama and ex-fiancee Chioma Rowland, Davido, a well-known Nigerian musician, unfollowed his first babymama, Sophia Momodu.
It is unexpected to find that the two have picked up where they left off after he reconciled with his former fiancée, Chioma Rowland.
When their individual Instagram pages were checked, it was discovered that they had unfollowed one another.
When he split from Chioma in 2021, the singer and Sophia Momodu, the mother of his first child, Imade Adeleke, were amicable.
When Davido asked his family and friends to make contributions on his behalf, Sophia Momodu even went so far as to give the musician a million dollar check.
Davido wrote her a touching letter in June when she was celebrating her birthday.
Davido and Chioma made their relationship known to the public just three days prior.
Following their reunion, the couple left their admirers ecstatic.
Chioma sparked reconciliation rumors when she was photographed wearing his brand-new, million-dollar 30BG jewelry. The pendant’s inscription, “002,” suggested that Chioma was the 30BG’s second-in-command.
The brand influencer could be seen watching the singer perform in the viral video from the front row.
Chioma grew shy and covered her face when the camera panned to her.
Following his reconciliation with Chioma, Davido and Sophia Momodu, the mother of his child, appear to have restarted their fight.
Until a picture of the couple holding hands appeared on the internet and disproved doubters, many people didn’t believe the couple had returned.