After 47 years, Peter Shitanda, a Kenyan who left his nation as a young man in 1975 to look for opportunities for a better life, has come back.
In search of a better life, Shitanda, whose tale was told by Afrimax English, first moved to Nairobi and then to Tanzania.
After a fruitless search for him ten years after he left the house, his wife moved on to marry other men.
The elderly man returned home with only a few luggage and little to show for his lengthy absence.
When he left, one of his sons, who was just four years old, could hardly recognize him.
Upon his return, he was met with stern opposition by relatives who couldn’t determine who he was, but soon the family gathered in their numbers to embrace him.
Kinsmen who could hardly recognize him due to his severe change and aging were shocked upon his reappearance.