Eleven people of the Kaabo neighborhood in the Naluama Chiefdom of the Chikankata District have appeared in court on charges that they set fire to the homes of a neighbor who they believe bewitched a family member.
Ernest Chisale, Donavan Lutaka, Roster Olembe Chiwala, Luckson Malambo, Esson Mwiinga, Steward Makonza, Godstern Kasowa, Iscor Mwiinga, Beatrice Chiinda, Florence Chiinda, and Mweene Trywell appeared before Magistrate Pasmall Mweetwa to make their plea.
According to Chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia, Section 328 of the Penal Code, which the defendants are accused of violating, charges arson against them.
It is alleged that the defendants intentionally and unlawfully set fire to three homes and other properties while functioning as a group.
85 by 50 kilogram bags of corn, 25 by 50 kilogram bags of soy beans, an ox cart, 54 iron sheets, 45 hens, 20 ducks, two turkeys, a toilet, three bicycles, a York, K12 000 in cash, and a kitchen were among the items destroyed by fire.
The items belonged to Large Mutelo and are worth a total of K291 700.
Magistrate Pasmall Mweetwa has since postponed the case until October 27, 2022, so that it may be discussed and trial dates can be determined.