Numerous Ghanaians have voiced dissatisfaction with Meek Mill’s viral video in which he was seen in numerous locations around the Jubilee House in Accra, the country’s presidential residence.
In the aforementioned video, the American rapper was seen rapping at various Jubilee House locations, including the façade, the main hallways, the main conference hall, a spot behind the presidential platform, and afterwards in a sitting area.
As a result of response from Ghanaians, particularly celebrities, who have called the act horrible and cited moral and security concerns, this development has now provoked anger on social media.
Others have blasted the government for allowing such important locations to be used for a music video, stating that Ghanaian artists won’t be given the same luxury.
Hours after posting the aforementioned video on Instagram, Meek Mill has subsequently removed it.
This may be a result of the ferocious backlash brought on by the fact that it was shot in the Jubilee House.
View the reactions of famous people below: