You are an international fraudster on the watchlist of US and UK – Tonto fires back

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In the audio recording that her ex-husband, Olakunle Churchill, released, Tonto Dikeh was heard admitting that she would have poisoned him if they had still been married. Tonto Dikeh has responded to this.

Listen to clip:

In a response posted on her Instagram page, Tonto acknowledged the voicemail and said Churchill is very fortunate that she left him. Tonto said he assaulted her physically and warned that if he had done it while they were still together, he would have met his demise.

Additionally, she claimed that he is a fraudster sought in both the US and the UK.

You are an international fraudster on the watchlist of US and UK - Tonto fires back Afro News Wire
You are an international fraudster on the watchlist of US and UK - Tonto fires back Afro News Wire
You are an international fraudster on the watchlist of US and UK - Tonto fires back Afro News Wire
You are an international fraudster on the watchlist of US and UK - Tonto fires back Afro News Wire
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