In an interview with Advert Africa, Indonesian reggae musician Avis Ramley discussed his most recent song, Le coure de nikita. told advert africa about his tragic tale of love and loss, which was as the basis for the song Le coure de nikita.
He said ”
During a visit to my friend’s house, I met his dog Niki. Niki greeted me with friendliness and even sat beside me to play. The encounter reminded me of someone from my past love story – a beautiful woman with sharp eyes, cute teeth, and a tall, white stature that would make any man fall in love. I wrote a song in French inspired by Niki and this memory. Titled “Le Couer de Nikita,” it serves as a message for us all to love and care for God’s creatures.”
Listen to the song below:
“Le coure de nikita”
Nikita est bonne fille.
il est un chiot, il est mon chèri,
Parce qu’il ètait très gâtè moi.
Son vrai nom est nikita.
Mais je l’appelle niki.
Parce que ses dents sont drole..
Niki Niki Niki Niki joue avec moi.
Niki Niki Niki Niki chase moi.
Niki Niki nikitaro.
Mon chien est tres a drole.
il’est obeissante et gâtèe.
Vous allez tomber amoureux si vous le voyez