Following the publication of an undercover Al Jazeera documentary revealing high-ranking officials engaged in the illegal gold trade, the Zimbabwean government has announced that it will begin looking into a number of individuals suspected of engaging in gold smuggling and money laundering.
In the four-part Al Jazeera Investigative Unit (I-Unit) series Gold Mafia, one of Zimbabwe’s top ambassadors is seen promising to use illegal gold smuggling to launder significant sums of money, among other things.
Even though there have only been two sections disclosed thus far, parts three and four will be public on April 6 and April 13, respectively. Still, the enquiry has stunned Zimbabweans.
“Government takes the allegations raised in the documentary seriously, and has directed relevant organs to institute investigations into the issues raised therein,” the statement released on Tuesday read.
“Any person found to have engaged in acts of corruption, fraud or any form of crime, will face the full wrath of the law.”
The statement continued, “Boastful behavior and name-dropping by some persons portrayed in the video, seeking personal benefit and glory, should never be interpreted as an enunciation of Government Policy,” adding that the government was committed to maintaining both domestic and international law.