The police allegedly accused Issaoui of “terrorism” after he complained that he couldn’t buy bananas for less than 10 dinars ($3.3) a kilogramme, which is double the price established by the government. This prompted the police to accuse Issaoui of terrorism, according to Tunisian media.

Issaoui can be heard yelling in a video selfie that has been making the rounds on social media: “For a dispute with someone selling bananas for 10 dinars, I get accused of terrorism in the police station. To complain about bananas is terrorism.
According to his brother Ryad, Nizar Issaoui, 35, sustained third-degree burns as a result of his actions in the village of Haffouz in Kairouan’s central district.
He was transferred from the Kairouan hospital to the burns hospital in Tunis, but there was nothing they could do to save his life.
“He died yesterday (Thursday) and will be buried today.” Ryad said.
Issaoui’s demonstration was reminiscent of that of street seller Mohamed Bouazizi, who on December 17, 2010, burned himself to death and set off the Tunisian revolution, which served as the impetus for the Arab Spring protests.

On Thursday night, according to Tunisian media, protests broke out in the streets of Haffouz in response to news of Issaoui’s passing.
Police fired tear gas in response to young protesters throwing stones at them.
Issaoui was a free agent at the time of his passing. He played for a variety of teams throughout his career, representing both lower division and premier league teams.
Just before committing his murder, Issaoui wrote on Facebook that he had decided to “die by fire.”
“I have no more energy. Let the police state know that the sentence will be executed today,” he wrote.
Watch the video below: