Zodwa Wabantu, a socialite from South Africa, won’t be allowed to enter Lesotho this weekend because of her on-stage antics, which are in opposition to the nation’s values.

Lebona Lephema, the minister for local government, chieftainship, home affairs, and police, revealed this in a letter to Maseru’s Elibo Guest House, where she was scheduled to stay on Saturday.
Wabantu’s actions, according to Lephema, “amount to public indecency.”

Lephema asserted that Wabantu would be breaking the law by offending “any reasonable member of the public” as defined by the Lesotho Penal Code Act since she frequently performs in skimpy or revealing attire.
“Lesotho is a Christian nation which jealously guards and/or cherishes its Christian values and, as a Christian nation, we are not prepared to compromise our Christian values,” he said in the letter.
She has previously been designated persona non grata by a member state of the Southern African Development Community.

At a Zanu-PF rally in 2017, the late Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe threatened to forbid her from entering the nation for a government-sponsored event.
Despite the fact that she had previously visited Zimbabwe, this was the case.
Wabantu was scheduled to participate at the Harare International Carnival, but she was advised to do so in her underpants since traditional chiefs would not approve of her distinctive appearance.

This after Zimbabwean actress Anne Nhira wrote a letter to the president arguing that: “Zodwa dances with no panties and posts naked pictures on social media. How does that qualify her to be a Zimbabwe national tourist attraction and to attend a function of the highest stature this year?”