After a council of ministers, the news was released on Wednesday.

The military commander in charge of Guinea attended the military parade that was planned for the celebrations of Mali’s 62nd anniversary of independence last year.
Mali’s military chief instructed the government to use the monies set aside for this year’s celebrations to aid the victims and families of recent assaults during Wednesday’s council of ministers.
The council also talked about calling up reserve members.

The announcement of the “sober” independence celebration comes at the same time as a resurgence of Tuareg separatist military activity and a slew of attacks primarily attributable to the jihadist coalition Support Group for Islam and Muslims (GSIM), which has ties to Al-Qaeda.
Armed Tuareg separatist groups attacked army posts in the garrison town of Bourem on Tuesday, but the army claimed to have repulsed their attack.
Both sides reported scores of deaths despite their respective accounts of the events being in conflict.

Numerous civilians were killed last week in an attack on a passenger boat on the Niger River that was attributed to terrorists.
These activities take place against the backdrop of the UN peacekeeping mission’s ongoing withdrawal from Mali.
Following the emergence of separatist and Islamist uprisings in the north, Mali was engulfed in unrest in 2012.

According to the council of ministers, Goita voiced his “deep distress” over the casualties brought on by “the savage and barbaric attack against the boat (and) the assaults on the camps in the towns of Bamba, Gao, and Bourem”.
It was his initial statement regarding the boat attack.