Raila Odinga, the head of Kenya’s opposition, called it a “wrong move” for Kenya to lead a peacekeeping mission in Haiti to kerb gang violence.

In an interview with a local TV station on Thursday, Mr. Odinga stated that the planned police deployment in Haiti was not a top priority for Kenya and that the East African region already had “enough problems”.
“Before you even come to Africa, Haiti is at the doorstep of the United States which is the most powerful nation in the world. What is it that is so unique about Kenya that it is being chosen to lead the multinational force in Haiti?” Mr Odinga said.
Mr. Odinga warned that the proposed deployment put the lives of Kenyan police officers in peril because of the terrible circumstances in Haiti.

“When coffins start arriving here, that’s when we shall regret. Haiti is dangerous and there’s a possibility our police will encounter problems there,” he said.
“The problem in Haiti is political, it does not just require guns, it requires talks,” Mr Odinga added.
The deployment for a year, with a review after nine months, was approved by the United Nations Security Council on Monday.

William Ruto, president of Kenya, vowed “not to fail the people of Haiti.”
However, some opponents of the plan have questioned the capacity of Kenyan police to combat the gangs in Haiti.