Bobrisky, the infamous transvestite, mocks Jay Boogie, a fellow socialite who is currently recuperating from a body-augmentation operation.
This is in reaction to allegations that the socialite had problems peeing for nearly a day following the body-enhancing operation. (Read Here)
Jay Boogie associate promised to take legal action against the hospital and the responsible physician if the transgender patient’s condition got worse.
Bobrisky took the chance to mock his unhappy coworker and teased him for going to such a bad facility. When Bob told Jay that he used to swear he would never get surgery, he laughed even harder.
“Good… what goes around come around !!! Dis boy constantly shade me when i had my surgery done. There’s nothing he did say.
“He has a natural body bla bla he can’t go under a knife with all his edited picture Karma came so fast awww. Next time you all should spend money on the best doctor not weak doctors . Signing out in peace,” he wrote.