Renowned Nigerian comic actor, Charles Inojie, expressed that the recent passing of his colleague, John “Mr Ibu” Okafor, is an irreparable loss for the movie industry.
Mr Ibu’s demise was announced on the night of Saturday, March 2nd, leading to nationwide mourning and grief within the entertainment sector.
In a recent interview with Channels TV, Inojie emphasized that Mr Ibu’s unique talent and characteristics made him an invaluable asset.
He remarked that casting Mr Ibu alone could elevate a movie to blockbuster status.
Inojie highlighted the late entertainer’s ability to convey a multitude of messages through his body language, gestures, and facial expressions without uttering a single word of dialogue.
Inojie stated, “There are times when you lose someone in the industry, and you think, well, someone else could replace him. But Mr Ibu is irreplaceable. Mr Ibu speaks with every part of his body.
He is probably one of the few individuals in Africa who, without uttering a word, can communicate a million messages through his facial expressions, body language, and gestures. That level of talent doesn’t come easily. We are going to miss that. With John, you have a blockbuster.”