Kenya has faced a tragic toll from floods, with 169 lives lost between March and April 2024. Particularly devastating was a flash flood in a rural village, claiming 42 lives, alongside incidents in Nairobi, highlighting ongoing challenges in urban development. Sean Avery, an expert in flood and drainage studies, outlines these issues and potential remedies.
Floods are natural outcomes of heavy rainfall, serving ecological functions like replenishing aquifers and distributing nutrients. However, Kenya’s varied rainfall patterns mean floods can strike anywhere. Factors exacerbating flood risks include settlement in low-lying areas and overuse of boreholes, leading to ground subsidence.
Addressing flood risks requires tailored approaches. Rural areas need restoration of natural vegetation along watercourses to mitigate floods, alongside enforcing laws protecting riverbanks. Urban areas, notably Nairobi, face corruption hindering planning efforts, leading to unsafe developments and inadequate infrastructure for water and waste management.
Key solutions include upgrading stormwater drainage systems, maintaining watercourses, and delineating riparian zones for protection. However, enforcement of laws and policies remains a challenge, necessitating concerted efforts to safeguard vulnerable communities and ecosystems.