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President Kagame Declares Readiness to Confront DRC

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In an exclusive interview with France 24, Rwandan President Paul Kagame stated that Rwanda is prepared to go to war with the Democratic Republic of Congo if necessary, asserting that “they are ready to fight and are not afraid of anything.”

This statement follows accusations from Congolese President Félix Tshisekedi, who alleged that Rwanda is orchestrating a genocide in Eastern DRC. In response, Kagame accused Tshisekedi of promoting genocidal ideologies against Congolese Tutsis.

Kagame refrained from confirming the presence of Rwandan soldiers in the DRC, emphasizing the importance of addressing the underlying causes of regional tensions.

As he approaches the July 15 presidential election, Kagame denied allegations of election rigging and the repression and assassination of opponents, affirming his government’s dedication to free and fair elections.

These developments highlight the escalating tensions between Rwanda and the DRC and the challenges facing Kagame in the upcoming election.

The long-standing conflict in eastern Congo has created one of the world’s most severe humanitarian crises, with over 100 armed groups vying for land and control of valuable mineral mines. Many of these groups, accused of committing mass killings, rapes, and other human rights violations, claim to be protecting their communities.

The violence has displaced around 7 million people, with thousands living in temporary camps like the one attacked last month, while many others remain beyond the reach of aid.

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