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Turkey Deports 103 Nigerians Over Migration Issues

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The Federal Government (FG) has received around 103 Nigerians deported from Turkey due to migration-related issues such as irregular migration and expired visas.

Tijani Ahmed, the Federal Commissioner of the National Commission for Refugees Migrants and Internally Displaced Persons (NCFRMI), announced this during the deportees’ profiling in Abuja on Friday, June 28.

Represented by Catherine Udida, the Director of Migration Affairs, Ahmed mentioned that while 110 deportees were expected, only 103 arrived, all of whom were male.

The commissioner noted that some deportees had been in the deportation camp for several months. He also stated that the commission plans to investigate all allegations documented during their profiling.

“We will go through the profiling forms because some of them have said that their passports were seized.

“We are going to follow up with the Turkish authority because the passports are still the property of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,” he stated.

“We equally have a programme where we train them and thereafter reintegrate them into society,” he stated.

He emphasized that regardless of a returnee’s status, the NCFRMI is the mandated agency responsible for their welfare.

Bashir Garga, the North-Central Zonal Coordinator of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), also assured the returnees that all relevant government departments would collaborate to provide support.

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