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Ramaphosa Outdoors New Coalition Cabinet

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On Sunday, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa unveiled his new government, allocating 12 out of 32 cabinet portfolios to former opposition parties after the ruling ANC lost its outright parliamentary majority.

The African National Congress (ANC), which has been in power since the establishment of democracy in 1994, retained 20 of the 32 cabinet positions. Key ministries such as foreign affairs, finance, defense, justice, and police remained under ANC control.

The ANC issued a statement celebrating the president’s announcement as “an important step forward, and a testament to the resilience of our democracy.”

The largest coalition partner, the Democratic Alliance (DA), secured six portfolios, including home affairs, environment, and public works. DA leader John Steenhuisen, 48, was appointed Minister of Agriculture. The DA’s statement welcomed the “new era in South Africa’s democratic journey,” emphasizing a “zero tolerance for corruption.”

The Zulu nationalist Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP), the anti-immigration Patriotic Alliance, the right-wing Afrikaans party Freedom-Front Plus, and other smaller parties were given six cabinet positions collectively. They will oversee land reform, correctional services, sports, tourism, and public service.


“The establishment of the Government of National Unity in its current form is unprecedented in the history of our democracy,” said 71-year-old Ramaphosa, speaking from Pretoria in a televised speech.

He was re-elected for a second full term last week, to lead what his humbled ANC calls a government of national unity (GNU), having lost its outright majority in the May 29 general election.

“The incoming government will prioritise rapid, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and a creation of a more just society by tackling poverty and inequality as well as unemployment,” he said.

He emphasized the need to “ensure all parties can participate meaningfully in the national executive and various parliamentary roles.”

This marks only the second time South Africa has opted for a national unity government, the first being at the end of apartheid. During that period, Nelson Mandela and FW de Klerk, the former leader of the government, facilitated the transition to democracy as executive deputy presidents.

The ANC’s decline occurred amid high violent crime rates, a struggling economy, and a severe energy crisis.

‘Tough negotiations’

Ramaphosa’s highly anticipated announcement followed weeks of intense negotiations between the ANC and the DA, which secured 87 parliamentary seats (22 percent of the popular vote) compared to the ANC’s 159 seats (40 percent).

The formation of the new government faced criticism from leftist parties, including the uMkhonto weSizwe (MK) party, a new group established a few months before the election by former president Jacob Zuma, 82.

The MK party, which unexpectedly garnered more than 14 percent of the votes nationwide, may become the country’s official opposition after refusing to join the ANC’s broad coalition.

Along with the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF), the MK party dismissed the ANC’s coalition with the DA as a “white-led unholy alliance.”

The ANC had previously accused the DA of making “outrageous demands” for key cabinet positions, as revealed in documents leaked to the press after weeks of closed-door negotiations.

In a Sunday statement, the EFF stated that the announcement confirmed their longstanding view that the GNU was “nothing but a smokescreen for the ANC to secure a predetermined grand coalition with the racist DA.” They also criticized the impact of the “increased and bloated” cabinet on taxpayer money.

Ramaphosa has called for the new parliament to open on July 18 to address MPs and outline how his new coalition government, involving 11 parties, will operate.

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