Kenny Kunene, a South African politician and businessman, has raised concerns over why South Africans are renting homes from Nigerians within their own country.
During an interview with King David Studio, Kunene revealed that a Nigerian resident in Cape Town reportedly owns “800 RDP houses,” with South Africans paying him rent.
“Now, you must tell me, what type of government do we have? There are others here, when I campaign when you go to Turffontein, our people are renting houses from Nigerians. What type of government do we have.”
The host suggested that the situation is more of a “policing issue” rather than a leadership problem.
However, Kunene argued that the responsibility lies with the leaders, who he believes are at fault for allowing their citizens to rent homes from Nigerians.
“It’s a leadership issue,” he added. “If you’re not leading for the police to do what’s right, then we’re going to have a problem.
He went on to discuss the issue of Nigerians allegedly pushing drugs in South Africa.
South Africans are particularly upset because RDP houses are government projects intended for the poor and should be provided at no cost.