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US Promises to Collaborate With DRC Following Arrest of US Citizens for Coup Attempt

Secretary of State Antony Blinken, the most senior cabinet member of United

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Harry and Meghan’s trip to Nigeria under scrutiny

According to a royal expert, Prince William is said to be "angry

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May 25 declared World Football Day – UN General Assembly

May 25 has been officially designated as World Football Day by the

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April 2024 Breaks Global Temperature Records

According to Carlo Buontempo, Director of the Copernicus Climate Change Service, April

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Tรผrkiye Joins South Africa in Genocide Lawsuit Against Israel

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said his country has decided to formally

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MP Expelled During Visit to Djibouti Due to Nation’s Strong Relations with China

A Conservative Member of Parliament (MP) has disclosed that he was expelled

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UK Asylum Seekers Gripped by Fear After Rwanda Deportation Bill Approval

Asylum seekers in Derby, UK, expressed deep apprehension following the recent approval

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Earth Day Organization Calls For 60% Decrease in Plastic Production by 2040

People globally are observing World Earth Day today, highlighting the critical need

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African Athletes Under Investigation in China Half Marathon Scandal

The Beijing Half Marathon organizers have initiated a probe into accusations of

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Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa calls for restraint over Iran-Israel tensions

Several African countries have called on Israel to show restraint as its

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