Burkina Faso Extends Support to Niger with 265 Truckloads of Essential Supplies Amid ECOWAS Sanctions.

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Regarding the provision of essential commodities, the military junta in Niger has confirmed links with its colleagues in Burkina Faso.

Burkina Faso Extends Support to Niger with 265 Truckloads of Essential Supplies Amid ECOWAS Sanctions. Afro News Wire

Burkina Faso transported 265 trucks of supplies to Niger this week, according to a report by the state-run Radio, Television Niger (RTN).

Seydou Asman, the minister of commerce and industry, met the trucks carrying various items from Burkina Faso at the regional customs directorate in Niamey-Tillabery.

The intervention is a component of the supply of essentials that the two neighbours have started in response to what the junta has called “unfair ECOWAS sanctions.

In recent months, there have been two installments. The precise items included in the cargo are unknown.

Following the coup on July 26, ECOWAS imposed economic sanctions on Niger, including broad-based and more specific measures including trade embargoes and border closures.

The two nations have already reached a military-level agreement that enables Burkina Faso to send troops and supplies to support Niger in the event that ECOWAS follows through on its threat to use force against the junta.

Earlier this month, the regional bloc declared that it was prepared to employ its reserve army to thwart the coup that forced Mohamed Bazoum out of government.

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