The renowned Ghanaian musician Wendy Shay is excited to reveal the impending release of the official music video for her number-one hit tune “Habibi.”
The video, which was made in Dubai against a magnificent backdrop and was directed by the great Andy Madjitey, is sure to enthral viewers everywhere.
The big video premiere is set for July 20, 2023, a Thursday.
One of the highlight tunes from her record-breaking Enigma EP, “Habibi,” has received praise from critics. This is especially true since Wendy Shay initiated the erotic dance challenge for the song.
The song has gained popularity among listeners both in Ghana and outside of the country thanks to its contagious melodies and Wendy Shay’s magnetic performance.
The video, which was directed by Andy Madjitey, who is renowned for his creative storytelling and aesthetic vision, captures the essence of the song by taking viewers on a mesmerising trip through engaging settings and stunning vistas of Dubai.
It is anticipated that the charismatic performance of Wendy Shay and the masterful directing of Andy Madjitey will result in a memorable visual experience.
She has received various honours, including as several prizes and nominations, and she still pushes the limits of current Ghanaian music.
Her distinctive fusion of Afrobeat, Highlife, and Dancehall has made her a beloved figure among music lovers around.
The ‘Habibi’ music video will have its world premiere on Thursday, July 20, 2023, for both fans and music enthusiasts.
It will be accessible on numerous digital channels, including the official YouTube account of Ruff Town Record.
With the release of the video, Wendy Shay has achieved another significant professional milestone and cemented her position as a leading artist in the music business.