In a devastating turn of events, an 80-year-old man identified as Isiyaka Ayinde reportedly ended his own life at the Watch Tower in the Araromi Imota area of Lagos State. The incident, which occurred around 7:30 p.m. on Thursday, has left the local community reeling in shock.
According to a police source confirmed by Punch, Ayinde was discovered by a tenant in the compound, hanging in the kitchen with a rope around his neck. The tenant had been alerted by Ayinde’s children, who were shouting for him to come and see what had happened.
The police source recounted, “He heard his children shouting that he should come and see Baba in the kitchen. When he ran into the kitchen, he saw the lifeless body of the tenant hanging on a rope that was tied to the burglary proof of one of the windows in the kitchen.”
Benjamin Hundeyin, the state Police Public Relations Officer, confirmed the incident, noting that due to Ayinde’s age and religious convictions, his family opted for an immediate burial rather than depositing the body at the mortuary.
Hundeyin stated, “The scene has been visited by the DCB personnel of the division, and photographs were taken. The family of the deceased is not interested in depositing the body at the mortuary but rather prefer burying the corpse immediately as a result of the age and religious inclination of the deceased.”