Teddy Osei, the celebrated Ghanaian musician and co-founder of the renowned band Osibisa, has passed away at the age of 88. The news of his death was confirmed on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, in London by Bessa Simons, the President of the Musicians Union of Ghana (MUSIGA), who called his passing the loss of one of the country’s greatest musical icons.
Born in December 1937 in Kumasi, Osei’s musical journey began early when he was introduced to various instruments. He developed a passion for music during his college years in Sekondi, where he taught himself to play the saxophone and later formed his first band, The Comets. In 1969, he co-founded Osibisa, a band celebrated for blending Afrobeat, highlife, and rock music to create a globally recognized sound.
Before fully pursuing music, Osei briefly worked as a building inspector. In 1962, he traveled to London on a government scholarship to study music and drama, but political unrest in Ghana forced him to abandon his studies after three years. Despite this setback, Osei’s contributions to music and his lasting influence have earned him a cherished place in the global music community.