Herbal medicines have become an integral and important part of the formal health care systems of the country. Herbal medicines according to industry players have existed over 10,000 years.
The significant contribution made by herbal medicines to the health of individuals has led to an increased interest among the population and the country at large.
With the advancement in technology, orthodox health care delivery and administration has gradually taken over traditional health care services.
However, traditional medicines remain a vital part of Ghana’s health composition. A traditional medicine also known as herbal medicine incorporates the healing power of nature and therapeutic techniques to cure illness.
However, recognizing the value of herbal medicine in maintaining health and saving lives contributes to the productivity of herbal companies and centres.
In view of this, Abrewa Nana herbal centre a recognized and renowned company in the Ashanti region extends it product and services to the entire country and beyond.
They are specialized in producing medicines for treatment of diabetes, stroke, gonorrhea, urinary tracts infections, waist pains, infertility, sexual weaknesses, erectile dysfunctions, stroke, menstrual cramps among others.
Abrewa Nana is located in Kumasi- Santasi new site, opposite End time chapel.