
Latest Malawi News

A Malawian court sentenced 3 albino murderers to 155 years in prison.

On Wednesday, a Malawian court sentenced three men to 155 years in

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Malawian chief saves his community from floods

Chikwawa, Malawi โ€“ A few metres away from the joyful shouts of

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Malawi to experience six-month power outages following deadly storm.

Malawiโ€™s main power station stopped operating after the Chikwawa dam was damaged

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Malawi president warns against corruption.

The president of Malawi has warned against corruption in the country. The

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We must cure ourselves of the habit of asking more of our politicians – Lazarus Chakwera

Malawian President Lazarus Chakwera has asked each citizen to take responsibility for

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Former Malawian Deputy Speaker commits suicide inside parliament

A former deputy speaker in Malawi on Thursday shot himself in the

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Malawi president travels to UK for virtual conference โ€” blames poor internet

Lazarus Chakwera, the president of Malawi, is said to have travelled to

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Former Malawi central bank chief charged with money laundering

The arrest follows a forensic audit by Deloitte which showed the central

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