President Edgar Lungu collapsed at defense day event

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Zambia President, Edgar Lungu collapsed in the capital, Lusaka, during the 45th Defense Forces Day Commemoration and Investiture ceremony on Sunday, June 13.

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The Private Secretary to the Zambia President, Simon Miti made it known in a statement that the President truly collapsed at the event but recovered immediately after experiencing sudden dizziness.

The statement read, โ€œThe President of the Republic of Zambia, Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, this afternoon experienced sudden dizziness whilst officiating at the 45th Defense Force Day Commemoration and Investiture Ceremony.

โ€œHis Excellency recovered immediately and walked to the official car and returned to his residence at State House.

โ€œThe President wishes to assure the general public and all concerned citizens and the international community that he is well and has continued to discharge his duties as Head of State, Government and Commander-in-Chief of the Defense Force.โ€


Zambia President Edgar Lungu collapses after

President Edgar Lungu collapsed at defense day event Afro News Wire

The four-hour ceremony took place at the Freedom Statute on Independence Avenue where the Defense Forces show-cased their military ware.

President Lungu also used the Commemoration to conduct an Investiture Ceremony to honor gallant men and women in Uniform.

The Zambian leader had a similar experience in 2015, caused by what the presidency said was an “esophagus condition”.

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