Renowned broadcaster Kwesi Kyei Darkwa, commonly known as KKD, has taught the people of Ghana what loyalty means.
According to the master communicator, loyalty shouldn’t be shown to anyone based on his personal experiences, particularly those from his mother.
He argues that loyalty should be shown to one’s values because it is easier to turn away when family members delegate morals.
You shouldn’t be loyal to people, my mum once told me. She said that she was loyal to values rather than your father since he respects those standards, which made her seem disrespectful to me because she was to my father.
Being committed to someone who steals, plunders, or lies is therefore impossible. He suggested being devoted to truth, kindness, excellent leadership, and providence so that you can restore your dedication if the people to whom you are dedicated quit upholding those ideals.
In an interview with Ghana Television, KKD, as he is affectionately called, made this apparent.
“We would be loyal to those in power who are the biggest thieves in our society, which will not be helpful for the prosperity of this country,” he asserted, if loyalty were based purely on personality.