Tanzanian official fired over social media posts

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An employee of the Tanzanian government who opposed the implementation of fees for mobile money transfers on social media was fired.

Regional manager for Tanzania Railways Corporation Jonas Afumwisye admitted receiving a notice of dismissal and vowed to appeal to the Public Service Commission, according to reporting from the Citizen daily cited by the BBC.

Africanews’ investigations reveal that Jonas worked for Tanzania Railways Corporation as the Dar es Salaam regional manager.

According to the letter, he had violated the Public Service Act of 2003.

Since the notice of dismissal only mentioned social media, it is unclear which app the official utilized.

Additionally, Mr. Afumwisye is charged with disparaging President Samia Suluhu in his social media posts and criticizing the government’s vaccination program.

According to Tumaini Nyamhokya, the head of the trade union, they are opposed to the employee’s termination since he had a right to share his viewpoint, according to The Citizen newspaper.

Tanzania had received criticism under the previous President, John Magufuli, for cracking down on opposition figures.

According to The Citizen.co.tz, Anna Henga, Executive Director of the Legal and Human Rights Center (LHRC), expressed disappointment at the employee’s termination and noted that the episode highlights the value of exercising one’s right to free expression without infringing the law.

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