Tanzanian Prime Minister to Attend Crash Victims’ Funeral.

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The funeral service for the 19 people who perished in a plane crash in Lake Victoria will be conducted on Monday by Tanzania’s Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa.

On Sunday morning, the disaster occurred when the plane overshot the runway at Bukoba’s airfield and crashed into the lake.

24 out of the 43 passengers on board the aircraft, according to the operator Precision Air, survived.

The Bukoba football stadium will host the funeral, according to Albert Chalamila, the regional commissioner for the area.

“I am sending my condolences to you all for your great loss. I also want to assure you that we won’t rest until the investigation is done, and we know exactly what was the cause of this accident. Especially what really had happened for the plane to crash”, said Tanzanian Prime Minister, Kassim Majaliwa.

Kenya Airways and Tanzania’s largest private airline jointly own the publicly traded Precision Air.

All 157 passengers and crew members were killed when an Ethiopian Airlines aircraft from Addis Ababa to Nairobi crashed into a field south-east of the Ethiopian capital six minutes after takeoff in March 2019.

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