Mali’s Passenger Train Successfully Resumes Service, Delighting Travelers

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The passenger train line connecting Mali’s capital and the western part of the country completed its inaugural trip, bringing joy to happy travelers. The train, operated by SOPAFER-Mali, arrived in Bamako on Saturday (June 10), marking the successful resumption of service after a five-year closure.

Embarking on a 400-kilometer journey, the train departed from Kayes the previous day (June 09), showcasing the impressive renovations undertaken during the closure. Alassane Sissoko, the train driver, expressed his satisfaction with the improvements, stating, “From departure in Kayes to arrival here in Bamako, the route has been perfect, very perfect, for us drivers. What I can say now is to reassure everyone about the state of the machine and the condition of the train.”

Passengers eagerly awaited confirmation from the transport ministry, eagerly anticipating the return of the iconic green-yellow and red train to service. The Bamako-Kayes line serves as a crucial transportation route for both people and goods, and its closure in May 2018 due to maintenance issues exacerbated transportation challenges in the country. As Mali’s sole passenger train, the halt forced people to endure long bus rides while worrying about security concerns.

Djibril Soumarรฉ, one of the relieved passengers, expressed his gratitude, saying, “From the time we left at 8 a.m. until we arrived around 3 a.m., the security was top-notch, with the police present from Tintimba to Djamou. We’ve needed this for a long time. Rumors had been circulating about it. But today, it’s a reality because I went to Kayes by bus, and on the way back, I took the train.”

The train line extends beyond Kayes and reaches all the way to Dakar, making it a significant transportation artery for the region. The Ministry of Economy and Finance in Mali stated that the costs incurred for the rehabilitation would be recovered within the first two years of operation, highlighting the positive economic prospects associated with the restored train service.

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