Niger’s three-year transition plan is rejected by ECOWAS.

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The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has rejected the military junta’s three-year power-transition plan for the Niger Republic.

Niger's three-year transition plan is rejected by ECOWAS. Afro News Wire

Remember that on Saturday, August 19, the Niger Republic’s self-proclaimed leader, Abdourahmane Tiani, declared that the nation would revert to civilian control in three years.

Abdel-Fatau Musah, the ECOWAS commissioner for political affairs, responded to the declaration on Sunday, August 20 by declaring that they will no longer tolerate protracted transitional periods in the area.

Musah said;

โ€œEcowas is not accepting any prolonged transition again in the region. They just have to get ready to hand over in the shortest possible time.

โ€œThe earlier they give power back to civilians and concentrate on their primary responsibility that is defending the territorial integrity of Niger, the better for them, Military aspect is very much onโ€.

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