Following his encounter with the newly confirmed deceased SuperSport United goalie George Chigova, David Uche, a Nigerian prophet, has become popular on the internet.
On November 15, 2023, George Chigova, the former goalie for the Zimbabwe Warriors, passed away peacefully in his sleep at home in Johannesburg. After collapsing during a SuperSport United training session in July, he had not played football. He apparently woke up on Wednesday, took a stroll around the property, and went back to sleep. He had slept too long and was unconscious when his wife went to wake him up; paramedics pronounced him dead.
Then Uche assured Chigova that his thoughts were the problem, not his heart. He said that the diagnosis was the result of someone attempting to prevent him from signing a new contract with the NFL.
He frequented the Johannesburg church of Nigerian priest David Uche prior to his passing. Uche called Chigova when he was in church to enquire about the SuperSport United contract extension. In response, Chigova stated that they were postponing the procedure after finding that his heart was weak and erratic.