Nationwide Protest Sweeps Across Nigeria Due to Hunger and Economic Struggles

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The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has clarified that its two-day nationwide protest is centered on issues of hunger and economic hardship prevailing in the nation. Joe Ajaero, the National President of the NLC, conveyed this message during an interview with reporters in Abuja on Tuesday.

He emphasized that, contrary to the Presidency’s assertion that the ongoing protest primarily concerns the review of the minimum wage, the union’s concerns extend beyond that.

Ajaero accused the Federal Government of not addressing the union’s demands, particularly since the removal of fuel subsidy, which has contributed to an escalation in the cost of living.

He said, โ€œYou have to understand it. This protest is about hunger. What of those who are not working? The minimum wage, when will it be completed? When will it be implemented? What will be the minimum wage that will remove hunger?

โ€œThe UN said that every the poorest man should be fed on $2 per day. Thatโ€™s the poorest. And if you have a family of six people, $2 per day by six is $12,โ€ he said while addressing the press in Abuja.

โ€œIn a month, you have $360 which translates to about N700,000. Is that the minimum wage youโ€™re talking about? Is that what will feed you? Thatโ€™s feeding alone. Iโ€™m not talking about transportation and accommodation. So what are we saying? What about medical? What are we saying?

โ€œWell, you know, we donโ€™t, we donโ€™t tell them what to do. We will tell them how we feel. There was hunger in the land, but it wasnโ€™t this bad until deregulation. And then after the regulation, we proposed all that we needed to. If they had solved the problem of transportation immediately, they would have solved almost 50% of the problem.

โ€œBecause even when you process garri in the village, you need to transport it to town. The expenses you incurred on transportation, you add it to the cost of garri.

โ€œSo the moment they touch PMS, you canโ€™t fill your tank with N30,000, N40,000. So the moment they touched it. We said, โ€˜OK, bring CNG buses. This is 7-8 months, no one bus is on the street.

โ€œSo we have provided all those solutions, even the cash transfer. They are still telling us now that they will start the cash transfer and they were playing politics with it that they were diverting it to their accounts. After today, we review our situation.โ€

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