The Hope of Nigeria Lies in the Hands of Ndigbo – Vice President Shettima

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On Monday, during the inauguration of the Light Up Nigeria Project in Enugu State, Shettima conveyed the following remarks.

The vice president acknowledged the industrious nature of the Igbos, commending them for their strong work ethic and ambitious pursuit of education. He likened them to the Nigerian Jews, emphasizing their geographical mobility and economic enterprising spirit.

Shettima expressed confidence in the Igbo people, stating, “The hope of the nation rests with Ndigbo, right in our midst.”

Continuing his speech, Shettima conveyed President Bola Tinubu’s commitment to transforming the South East region into the nation’s industrial powerhouse.

He characterized the project as a “transformation journey” and a “renewal of hope” for industrialists and investors in the South East region.

He said: โ€œThe long awaited solution to the epileptic power supply is finally here and this project will help to stabilize Nigeria because if there is no power, there canโ€™t be industrialization.

โ€œThe economic fortune of Nigeria remains the critical concern of President Tinubu as we believe that if the power sector works, Nigeria works too, so we must make the project work and make the South-east work.

โ€œThis marks the renewal of hope for investors and industrialists. This is not a ribbon-cutting charade. This is a calculated endeavor to re-engineer our economy.

โ€œThe project serves as a long-awaited solution to the power supply that has undermined our economy over the past decades.โ€

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